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Case Study Revel Systems

A Success Story of Automation, Efficiency, and Quality

About Revel Systems

Revel Systems is a dynamic company with nearly 600 dedicated employees across multiple locations, including Lithuania and the United States. They stand out as a leading provider of cloud-based point of sale (POS) platforms, with a reputation for their customer-centric approach. Revel Systems offers a versatile POS platform that connects seamlessly with various payment solutions and terminals, making it the ideal choice for businesses seeking convenience and flexibility. Their commitment to providing a user-friendly interface and real-time management tools has positioned them as a game-changer in the POS industry.

In the fast-paced world of point of sale (POS) platforms, efficiency and quality are key to success. Revel Systems, a prominent player in the field, recently encountered a significant challenge in their journey towards automation, specifically in the realm of payment terminal testing. While they could automate some aspects of their processes, their struggle lay in achieving full automation, especially when dealing with chip-based transactions that required physical card interaction.

The Challenge: Automating Payment Terminal Testing

Before their collaboration with Abrantix, Revel Systems faced a major roadblock in their testing processes. Their existing methods covered only a limited set of testing scenarios, and their ability to fully control payment terminals during chip-based transactions was limited. The crucial moment during card entry often resulted in uncertainties. What should have been a straightforward process was a complex, time-consuming ordeal.

Revel Systems faced a complex challenge involving three different integrations, one of which included four devices with two connection types each. This intricate testing was carried out manually and required the work of three quality assurance engineers over a period of two weeks. It became evident that a more efficient solution was necessary.

In essence, they needed a solution that would allow them to automate the testing of chip transactions fully and realistically without the need for constant physical card manipulation. This was the central problem that Abrantix aimed to solve for them.

The Solution: The Introduction of Abrantix Automation

In their search for a solution, Revel Systems explored various options. Abrantix stood out for its unique capabilities and suitability for their requirements. The automation solution offered by Abrantix streamlined their testing processes and addressed their most pressing challenges.

Revel Systems now utilizes two Robot T1 devices in combination with contact and contactless multiplexers and a magstripe probe from Abrantix. These tools have revolutionized their testing processes and made automation not only possible but highly efficient.

The Result: A Transformation in Efficiency and Quality

The outcomes of this partnership are truly outstanding:

  1. Efficiency Boost:
    The introduction of the first robot alone reduced the testing timeline from two weeks to just four days, shaving off a whole week of valuable testing time.
  2. Uncovering Hidden Bugs:
    Automation allowed Revel Systems to explore more aspects of their software, leading to the discovery of previously overlooked bugs and enhancing software quality.
  3. Agile Approach:
    Automation enabled a swift transition from development to automated testing, obtaining results within three days. This agile approach has proven invaluable, facilitating quicker fixes and robust software development.
  4. Stress Testing:
    Revel Systems now runs their robots overnight for stress testing, exploring the possibility of full-day testing in the future.
  5. Device Flexibility:
    The flexibility of Abrantix solutions allows them to test virtually any terminal, free from manufacturer constraints, providing unprecedented flexibility in their testing and development process.


In essence, Abrantix's automation solutions have complemented Revel Systems' talented testers, enabling them to release software more frequently, address software imperfections, and speed up software development. Rather than replacing manual testers, automation has enhanced their capabilities and reduced their time spent on repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on more complex aspects of testing.

The partnership with Abrantix has transformed Revel Systems, allowing them to not only streamline their testing processes but also unleash new possibilities for efficiency, quality, and flexibility.


As we celebrate Revel Systems' success, we look forward to sharing more stories of innovation and transformation. Stay tuned for further insights and inspirations on how technology and automation are reshaping industries.

If you're eager to explore more success stories, contact us and be part of the innovation journey!


David Frank

David is the International Key Account Manager for Test Automation at Abrantix. He has a passion for technology and finding creative solutions for his customers.

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