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World premiere: Chip Card Multiplexer for EMV testing

We are proud to announce the latest addition to our automated testing products: The Abrantix Chip Card Multiplexer.

If you have ever tested an EFTPOS terminal, you will most likely have used a plastic test card. Maybe that card was lying on your desk, or given to you by a colleague, or came out of a folder of test cards. Most likely, there where a number times where you had to go and look for a particular test card, because you could not find it. It might even have been lost. Companies like UL and others sell test card sets that need annual updates. Some of our clients buy multiple copies of these sets each year, just because they know that after a few months some of the cards will be lost.

These times are now over. Move your test cards into the Abrantix Chip Card Multiplexer. The multiplexer simply holds the cards and routes them to a single card probe. An API allows to select the card you would like to use, and off you go. One multiplexer can hold 16 cards. If that is not enough, you can chain multiple multiplexers.

The multiplexer supports all EMV contact cards (contactless version is in beta testing). It is rack mountable and lockable. You can therefore control access to the cards and avoid losing cards or having to establish complicated administrative processes.

Innovation in EMV testing

The multiplexer allows you to do more than just manage your test cards. It allows test automation with real plastic EMV cards.

The massive innovation behind the multiplexer however are card clouds. This is really exciting as you can build your own card cloud. Store the physical test cards in a cloud, accessible from your test lab or even by your clients or partners.

Please get in touch to receive more information. Everything starts with a conversation.

Martin Gloor

Martin is responsible for our Test Automation Product Department and Abrantix in the APAC region. He is a payment industry specialist with a high knowledge of the business and in-depth technical skills.

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